the Wild Side
The images on this website are a personal look
at the people, travels, exploration, and
discovery of hiking with the Meshomasic Hiking
Club. Enjoy.
Tom Wells
"One would think that Connecticut today is a
tamed and subdued land, but even so there are
still woodland glades seldom seen and rarely
visited where the spirit of wilderness still
John LeShane
Hiking with the
Meshomasic Hiking Club
![West Peak](100917_0002%20West%20Peak%20Meriden.jpg)
Site Last Updated January
15, 2017
Thomas Wells © 2002 - 2017
All Rights
me, a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy
grass is more welcome than the most luxurious
Persian rug"
Helen Keller
"Look deep into nature, and then you will
understand everything better."
Albert Einstein
"Methinks that the moment my legs begin to
move, my thoughts begin to flow."
Henry David Thoreau
"May the forest be with you."
Annette LeShane